Creative Extravaganza: Art Time for the Family at the Old Forge Library

Creative Extravaganza: Art Time for the Family at the Old Forge Library
Creator Day is a creative extravaganza, that creates opportunities for everyone to create art. This great family-friendly activity will take place on Saturday, January 11 from 11 am – 1:30 pm at the Old Forge Library, 220 Crosby Blvd. There will be stations to create poetry, collages, automatic writing, artist trading cards, and different art mediums. Participants will be able to try them all. Facilitators will be available to help everyone who comes create something special.
Creator Day is a low-key creative opportunity. “We will be setting up stations to explore creative activities, so that families, friends and neighbors can work on projects at the same time.” said Old Forge Library Director, Linda Weal.
The workshop is being held in conjunction with the Library's annual Community Poetry & Art Extravaganza: Contest and Exhibit. But, workshop participants are not required to enter work in the contest/exhibit, and contest entrants are not required to attend workshops.
For planning purposes, please call 315-369-6008 or email the library to register. Walk-ins are also welcome.