Community Poetry and Art Extravaganza Contest and Exhibit at the Old Forge Library

Community Poetry and Art Extravaganza Contest and Exhibit at the Old Forge Library
The Old Forge Library will host an annual favorite, the Community Poetry and Art Extravaganza Contest and Exhibit. The theme for 2025 is "Gratitude".
The contest is open to students in K-12 and adults throughout the Mid York Library region (Herkimer, Oneida and Madison Counties) and the Town of Inlet. Entries will be accepted from January 11 through February 1. There are four age categories for both Poetry and Art: Grades K-4, Grades 5-8, Grades 9-12, and Adult. Winners in each category will win a monetary prize and those winning an Honorable Mention will receive an award certificate and a hearty round of applause.
The opening reception and ceremony will be held on Thursday, February 27 at 5:30 pm and is open to the public. Winners and honorees will be announced and awards presented. Those honored with awards will have an opportunity to read and/or discuss their work. All works of poetry and art received for the contest will be displayed at the library from February 27 – April 25.
Judges for poetry are authors Doug Davis and Ruth O’Lill.
Doug is a retired elementary & middle school teacher. He has taught all subjects, including creative writing and poetry. No stranger to the library, Doug has volunteered for the Linking Lives program as an Adult Book Buddy. He has also led the Meditating with Trees Workshop at the library for several years. He is a watercolor artist and a member of Mountain Air Painters of Old Forge. Originally from Ohio, he moved to Old Forge in 2018 and currently resides in Indian Lake.
Ruth O'Lill spent most of her writing career in the non-profit arena producing public relations and marketing materials, and grant writing. She authored “A Personal Guide to Hope” and a book of poetry titled “Songs to Sisters” which she co-authored with her sister. She has written extensively for international magazines and newspapers. In 2012 she accrued $1.6 million of grant-funding to construct a 22-bed facility for homeless Veterans and homeless people with disabilities in Virginia Beach, VA. Now retired, she continues to write. When asked about her writing she was quoted as saying, "Do I love it? Creativity is not my hobby or even my avocation. It is my air."
The art judges are Kristin Martin and Kelsey Mayo.
Kelsey Mayo has been living and working in Old Forge for the past two years, as the Exhibitions Manager at View Arts Center. Kelsey grew up ski racing, and snowboarding at McCauley, she fondly remembers spending all of her childhood summers in the Adirondacks with her grandparents. Her passion for art started at a young age, which inspired her studies in the Fine Arts. She holds a BFA from Alfred University and a MFA from the University of Sunderland with a concentration in Glass and Ceramics. After receiving her degree, she lived in the United Kingdom for 7 years, where she was a practicing artist, curator and studio owner.
Kelsey’s creative practice consists of traditional craft techniques with digital applications to create a symbiotic nature between tradition and the contemporary.
Kristen Martin is a native Big Moose resident and ceramic artist who specializes in wheel thrown functional pottery. She currently manages the pottery studio at View, and previously managed pottery studios at the Arts Center of the Capital Region in Troy, NY and Northern Westchester Center for the Arts in Mount Kisco, NY. Kristen’s artistic pursuit is perfecting the balance of beauty in form and well-engineered function, to bring beauty and joy to things used everyday.
To enter, please call the library at 369-6008 or e-mail for specific details and exhibit entry guidelines. Guidelines are also available at
The Poetry & Art Extravaganza will include Creator Day, a low-key creative in-person opportunity. “We will be setting up stations to explore creative activities, so that families, friends and neighbors can work on projects at the same time.” said Old Forge Library Director, Linda Weal. Workshop participants are not required to enter work in the contest/exhibit, and contest entrants are not required to attend workshops.
Creative Extravaganza: Art Time for the Family will take place on Saturday, January 11 from 11 am – 1:30 pm. There will be stations to create poetry, collages, automatic writing, artist trading cards, and different art mediums. Participants will be able to try them all. There are creativity facilitators to help everyone who comes create something special. For planning purposes, please call or email the library to register. Walk-ins are also welcome.
This project is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrants Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by CNY Arts; and The Friends of the Old Forge Library