Wild Infusions Study Group
Wild Infusions Study Group
Tuesday, September 26, 2023 (6:00 PM - 8:00 PM) (EDT)
Due to the popularity of the summer sessions of Wild Infusions Herbal Study, the Old Forge Library wiill be hosting Jessica Maureen Hinsdill of Wild Soulstice, LLC with Fall sessions of the study group.The remaining fall sessions will be held on Tuesdays September 26 and October 24 at 6 pm.
At the September 26 session the group will discuss Goldenrod. In addition to being a pollinator plant, Goldenrod has also been used to treat tuberculosis, diabetes, enlargement of the liver, gout, hemorrhoids, internal bleeding, asthma, and arthritis. Discussion may include plant identification, medicinal usage, herbalism terminology and more.
On October 24, the study group will discuss Burdock and it's potential uses and health benefits.
Jessica has been her family's herbalist, healing scrapes and colds with herbal medicine and holistic living. When diagnosed with Lyme Disease, she took a break from college for Holistic Nutrition to heal, finding herbs to support the path back to wellness. Now studying with Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine, she started Wild Soulstice, LLC to provide herbal education and Lyme Disease support to the community. The study group session is a great avenue to create a circle of support, a place to reawaken a culture of wellness and rekindle the confidence to nourish ourselves, our families, and our community.
Bring your prior knowledge to enhance the conversation or come to learn. All experiences and ages are encouraged.
You need not have attended the previously held study group sessions to join this one. All are welcome to attend the free Herbal Studies, but group size is limited. Call the library, 315-369-6008, or email oldforge@midyork.org to register.
220 Crosby Blvd
Old Forge, NY 13472 United States